Two weeks ago I visited "allo sist" a friend I have kept in touch with over the years. We had met of course in Jogya when we were both students but today we live in different city.
It was really nice to meet an old friend, although we often keep in touch by phone or mail but it's really different.
She lives far away from her parents. She really did miss her parents, but she was also really excited about being on her own and maybe even feeling a little guilty about how excited she felt.
At that time it was confusing, but looking back, I see that each of us was able to support the other not only in what we knew we were feeling, but in the things we were ignoring. We both needed to find a balance in separation from, and connection to, our parents.
"she" is my anchor. Her friendship let me drift off on "my adventures" often not seeing her for days or weeks and still find my way back to her, helping me (and her) learn about being separate and connected.
No matter what our stage of life, we all ebb and flow in the tide of separation and connection, sometime needing support from others. A great gift of friendship is the willingness to accept the separation that are necessary, by becoming the anchor to which your friend can always return